- Dirbančiųjų sveikata ir šiuolaikinės darbo sąlygos
- Direct cost of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus healthcare and its complications in Lithuania
- Distinctions of bipolar disorder symptoms in adolescence
- Diversity and properties of connexin gap junction channels
- Do age, gender and marital status influence job strain development for general practitioner?
- Does illness perception explain quality of life of patients with prostate cancer?
- Does matrix metalloproteinase-3 polymorphism play a role in age-related macular degeneration in patients with myocardial infarction?
- Drug addiction maintenance treatment and quality of life measurements
- ECG data analysis using the convolution of Mealy and Moore automata
- ECG research using elements of matrix analysis and phase planes
- Early development of endocrine and metabolic consequences after treatment of central nervous system tumors in children
- Echospektriniai audinių įvertinimo metodai
- Economics of chronic diseases protocol: cost-effectiveness modelling and the future burden of non-communicable disease in Europe
- Educology and languages for the educational development of medical studies
- Effect of (1→3),(1→6)-β-glucan on in vitro production of cytokines by leukocytes of patients with periodontitis
- Effect of 1-acyl-5,6-dimethoxy / diethoxy-2-methylthiobenzimidazoles on APD90 and isometric contraction in guinea pig atrium and aortic preparations activated by carbachol and phenylephrine
- Effect of Perilla frutescens aqueous extract on free radical production by human neutrophil leukocytes
- Effect of Polyscias filicifolia Bailey biomass on protein synthesis process in isolated pig heart
- Effect of bacterial stimulants on release of reactive oxygen metabolites from peripheral blood neutrophils in periodontitis
- Effect of calcium overload on key dehydrogenases in heart mitochondria
- Effect of excess body weight on quality of life and satisfaction with body image among middle-aged Lithuanian inhabitants of Kaunas city
- Effect of inhibitors of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes on the electromechanical activity in human myocardium
- Effect of visual feedback information on isometric contraction of forearm flexor muscles in men and women after ischemic stroke
- Effectiveness of the second-stage rehabilitation in stroke patients with cognitive impairment
- Effects of age, period, and cohort on stroke mortality among the Lithuanian urban population during the 24-year follow-up period
- Eksperimentiniai augalo Rhodiola rosea L. gydomųjų savybių tyrimai ir galimas jo pritaikymas medicinoje
- Ekstraaortinės kontrapulsacijos ir skeleto raumens skilvelio hemodinamikos bei miostimuliacijos režimo paralelės eksperimente
- Ekstrahavimo įtaka skysto jonažolių ekstrakto kokybei
- Electric pulse-induced precipitation of biological macromolecules in electroporation
- Electronic transmission of fatty acids investigation data
- Elektrokardiografinių parametrų kitimų palyginimas pneumoperitoneumo metu pacientams,nesergantiems kraujotakos ligomis ir sergantiems išemine širdies liga
- Elektros impulso formos ir elektrodų pozicijos įtaka elektrinei kardioversijai nutraukiant prieširdžių virpėjimą
- Embolija vaisiaus vandenimis
- Endorektalinio ultragarso tyrimo reikšmė nustatant tiesiosios žarnos vėžio stadiją
- Endoscopic removal of the osteochondroma of the fibular head
- Endoskopinis veido pakėlimas (technika ir rezultatų objektyvizavimas)
- Endotelis ir azoto oksidas
- Environmental factors and breast cancer
- Environmental risk factors in prediction of childhood prediabetes
- Epidemiology of burns in Lithuania during 1991–2004
- Epikardinių rezginių, inervuojančių sinoatrialinį mazgą, destrukcijos poveikis širdies elektrofiziologiniams parametrams
- Epilepsiniai priepuoliai, ištinkantys kritinių būklių ligonius
- Ergoterapija nugaros smegenų pažeidimui gydyti
- Eritrocitų masės, paruoštos iš dirbtinės kraujo apytakos aparate likusio kraujo, panaudojimo tikslingumas ligoniams po širdies operacijų
- Escherichia coli colonization in neonates: prevalence, perinatal transmission, antimicrobial susceptibility, and risk factors
- Estimation of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk in relation to leisure-time physical activity: a cohort study
- Estimation of arterial nonlinear compliance using ultrasound images
- Europos kataraktos chirurginio gydymo rezultatų registras: Kauno medicinos universiteto Akių ligų klinika
- Evaluating average expenditures per case in Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital
- Evaluation of activity and effectiveness of occupational therapy in stroke patients at the early stage of rehabilitation