Title Atsiskaitymai e. versle: ypatumai ir naujos tendencijos /
Translation of Title Payments in e-business: features and new trends.
Authors Vyšniauskas, Jonas
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Pages 74
Keywords [eng] payments in e-business ; electronic payment ; electronic money ; virtual currency ; alternative payments
Abstract [eng] Alternative payments in e. business begin to pose a serious threat to the traditional payments such as electronic banking, credit and debit cards or cash. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what are the features of alternative payment methods, which factors are the most important and what are the trends. All this work is done by analyzing the scientific literature, introducing main alternative payment systems, making the alternative payment system comparative analysis and making a survey of consumer and business use of the alternative payment system features and trends. There are various techniques used in this study. Theoretical analysis is done in the use of various scientific literatures, publications, articles, news and other sources of research papers. Various statistics are taken from various websites and other sources. The study includes a non-standard empirical survey on target group of the online community, which uses alternative payment systems. This study aims to reveal the alternative payment features and trends. The results display that the main system used are PayPal, Mokėjimai.lt, Skrill, WebMoney, BitCoin and other distinguished defunct anonymous systems (E-gold, LibertyReserve, etc.). Respondents prefer alternative methods when buying in e. shop if there is only such a possibility. It can also be concluded that the respondents are more likely to give up banks and their payment methods rather than cash payments. Respondents also notice that the use of alternative payments can conceal or avoid the fees and anonymity of alternative payments is a very important factor also. There can be seen a new trend - a cryptographic virtual currency. Generally, respondents noted that the absence of country borders is one of the most important factors. The work consists of four chapters that discuss the concept of alternative payments, different payment systems, and comparative analysis of the most common systems, and study materials. The work has 25 images and comparison table. The study has conclusions where are summarized results. The paper consists of 74 pages.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014