Title Ugdytojų iš paauglių tardymo izoliatoriaus ir pataisos namų fizinio aktyvumo ir savijautos sąsajos /
Another Title Interaction between physical activity and feeling of well-being of adolescent inquest infirmary and penitentiary teachers.
Authors Kardelienė, Laimutė ; Lengvinas, Donatas ; Bardauskienė, Sandra
DOI 10.33607/bjshs.v3i78.363
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Is Part of Ugdymas. Kūno kultūra. Sportas = Education. Physical training. Sport : mokslo darbai.. Kaunas : Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija. 2010, Nr. 3(78), p. 42-49.. ISSN 1392-5644
Keywords [eng] physical activity ; feeling of well-being ; health improvement
Abstract [eng] The present study aimed at assessing physical activity of adolescent inquest infirmary and penitentiary teachers and revealing its links with the indices of their well-being. The sample from the whole general population consisted of 84 research participants (31 males and 53 females). The study employed a questionnaire survey which was meant to reveal the following context of the educators’ professional socialization: physical activity in the leisure time, feeling of well-being and financial background. The feelings of well-being were assessed by the subjective evaluation of the respondents’ health and willingness to take care of it. There were also questions about smoking and various psychosomatic and somatic ailments which have been occurring for the last 12 months. Research results revealed that more physically active educators (both males and females) from the adolescent inquest infirmary and penitentiary, compared to their less physically active counterparts, experienced less stress due to various factors, more seldom suffered from psychosomatic and somatic ailments, and they believed that they lived as the majority of families in Lithuania. However, research participants who were less physically active better evaluated their financial conditions. Physically active males and females attributed higher evaluations to their health, but physically active males compared to females tended to pay less attention to taking care of it. We did not find any positive relation between physical activity and smoking, and it suggests that for the improvement of personal wellbeing other prophylactic means of promoting healthy life style should be applied besides physical activity.
Published Kaunas : Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010
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