Title Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių vaikų globos namuose, kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikiai ir galimybės pertvarkos kontekste /
Translation of Title The training needs and opportunities of social workers in child care homes in the context of restructuring.
Authors Talačkienė, Deimantė
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] professional development ; social worker ; child care homes ; restructuring
Abstract [eng] The results showed that the changes in the child care system leads to professional development of social workers and is one of the most pressing preconditions for improving the qualifications in the reforming period; the problematical areas of child care system reform - the lack of awareness of social workers and children without parental care, lack of motivation, fear for closing / reorganization the children care home, for community’s preparation to provide services to children deprived of parental care, for opportunities of training / requalification; the main ways to overcome challenges in the child care system reformation: a clear and comprehensive reformation plan, community’s mobilization, information for institutional care workers and children deprived of parental care.
Dissertation Institution Mykolo Romerio universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016