Title Lietuvos žemės ūkio inovatyvumo skatinimo poreikio analizė /
Translation of Title Analysis of the Need to Promote Innovation in Lithuanian Agriculture.
Authors Reguliauskienė, Džema
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Pages 101
Keywords [eng] agricultural innovations ; agricultural innovativeness ; small and medium-sized farms ; promotion of innovations
Abstract [eng] The first part of the work analyzes the concept of agricultural innovations and innovativeness, compiles a typology of agricultural innovations, substantiates the significance of innovations in this sector, examines the factors of agricultural innovativeness. The second part presents the research methodology, describes research methods, organization and sample selection. The third part analyzes the research results. The need to promote the implementation of innovations in Lithuanian small and medium-sized farms are assessed based on statistical analysis, interviewing and questionnaire survey data. At the end of third part the results of the study are discussed, suggestions are made on how to encourage the innovativeness of Lithuanian small and medium-sized farms.
Dissertation Institution Mykolo Romerio universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023