Title Naujosios viešosios vadybos diegimas Lietuvos Respublikos vietos savivaldos sistemoje /
Translation of Title New public management implementation in a self-government system of Lithuanian Republic.
Authors Vanagas, Ramūnas
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Pages 268
Keywords [eng] New public management ; self-government ; evaluation
Abstract [eng] The world has already seen several decades of public sector modernization that was done using the latest, cutting-edge management models, including the New public management (NPM). The thesis presents the basic principles of the NPM and the theoretical aspects of the revised contents of its paradigm. The regulatory framework the Republic of Lithuania is reviewed, the analysis of the legislation pertaining to the NPM principles is done and directions of the management trends are foreseen. The performance management and evaluation process is distinguished as the main component of the NPM. The thesis addresses the personnel management dimensions (staff recruitment, selection, the competence, etc.) through the prism of the management and assessment. The overview of the Lithuanian local government employee career development system is provided. The prevailing problems are analyzed and recommendations how to solve these problems are proposed. As the result of the empirical research the theoretical and practical proposals (conclusions) suggesting the ways how municipalities of the Republic of Lithuania could implement NPM are given. The developed survey instrument can be successfully adapted for future tests of the public sector modernization. The private sector also could use the gathered data and some of the findings and conclusions provided in the thesis as the results of the research are universal.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008