Title Kūno judesiais valdomų instrumentų prototipai ir jų aktualumas kompozicijoje /
Translation of Title Gesture controlled instrument prototypes and their relevance in composition.
Authors Naujanytė , Raminta
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Pages 40
Keywords [eng] interactive ; arduino ; sensor ; kinect
Abstract [eng] With this research work gesture controlled instrument prototypes are being developed: sensor controlled system dedicated to the transfer of hand motions and Kinect 2 device, dedicated to the processes of sound parameters control. Research explores potential of interactive instruments and their adaption in Max MSP sound programming environment. Ways of converting body gestures into transferable data and their conversion into sound were explored. Sound parameter control differences of created prototypes are also explored. Utilized VST virtual instrument library contributed towards evaluation of functionality of different devices in the music composition process. Conclusions were made, how these instruments reveal themselves in the performance and what are the shortcomings of instruments of such type.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019