Title Lithuanian SUBSTANTIVA COMMUNIA and their translation into english /
Translation of Title Lietuvių kalbos SUBSTANTIVA COMMUNIA ir jų vertimas į anglų kalbą.
Authors Gudzinevičiūtė, Ona Laima ; Roikienė, Dalė
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Is Part of Filologija : mokslo darbai.. Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla. 2012, Nr. 17, p. 56-66.. ISSN 1392-561X
Keywords [eng] noun gender category ; SUBSTANTIVA COMMUNIA ; pejorative meaning ; translation into english
Abstract [eng] The aim of the article is to discuss gender category in Lithuanian and English, to define Lithuanian SUBSTANTIVA COMMUNIA and to show the problems that arise while translating them into English. The grammatical category of gender reflects the objective reality – male and female sexes existing in nature, the grammatical gender of abstract notions and inanimate things is unmotivated. Masculine and feminine genders of nouns are syntactically independent. They are semantically motivated (when nouns denote animate creatures of different sexes) or they can be purely morphological (nouns referring to entities that are not differentiated according to sex are attributed to a certain gender according to inflexion). The gender of Lithuanian nouns is determined by two factors: 1) semantic, i.e. lexical noun meaning; 2) morphological, i.e. certain morphological noun peculiarities. Nouns determine the gender of all dependant words. The gender of nouns is realized morphologically, i.e. by stem peculiarities and case inflexions. The Lithuanian language has such nouns that denoting a person do not denote gender. [...].
Published Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2012