Title Kompetencijų modelio įgyvendinimo Lietuvos valstybės tarnyboje analizė /
Translation of Title Analysis of the Implementation of the Competency Model in the Lithuanian Civil Service.
Authors Venckutė, Arūnė
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Pages 74
Keywords [eng] competency model ; competencies ; civil service ; public sector
Abstract [eng] This final thesis for a Master’s degree contains an analysis of the implementation of the competency model in the Lithuanian civil service. The first part analyses theoretical aspects of the competency model, discussing the concept of competency and revealing the importance of competency models at civil service. The second part of the thesis analyses competency models and their structures in other European Union states, discussing the qualities and peculiarities of competency models, characteristic to a specific state, as well as their application opportunities. The third part of the thesis uses a quantitative survey (questionnaire) to analyse the implementation of the competency model at Kretinga District and Palanga City municipalities, also a comparative analysis of both of the municipalities, indicating problems and factors that prevent the process of introducing the competency model. The end of the thesis features conclusions and suggestions on improving the implementation of the competency model, also raising issues that have emerged during the empirical study.
Dissertation Institution Mykolo Romerio universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020