Title Vadybininkų konsultantų profesionalizacija, taikant ugdomąjį vadovavimą (koučingą) /
Translation of Title Professionalization of managers consultants by applying educational leadership (coaching).
Authors Žutautaitė, Indrė
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Pages 69
Keywords [eng] competencies ; competence development ; educational leadership ; professionalization ; manager consultant
Abstract [eng] The modern market of services and trade in Lithuania is very dynamic and unique. Therefore, it becomes very important to ensure that the managers consultants working there are professionals in their field. In order to ensure professionalization, the development of these employees and the improvement of their general and special competencies become extremely important. It is possible to participate in the professionalization process and improve competencies in several ways: through experience, observing the work of a professional, participating in trainings / courses or contacting a specialist in educational leadership (coaching). This specialist, by applying various techniques, can help to set the right goals, help to find a solution to the problem through conversation, thus helping to improve competencies.
Dissertation Institution Klaipėdos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021