Title Verslo modelio taikymas vertės kūrimui /
Translation of Title Applying a Business Model to Value Creation.
Authors Kazlauskaitė, Aurelija
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Pages 82
Keywords [eng] business model ; components ; value creation ; application ; telecommunication services
Abstract [eng] In the master’s thesis, the significance of the business model’s component characteristics for the value created is analysed and evaluated, and based on the experts' assessment, the business model of the company providing telecommunications services is empirically researched. The first chapter theoretically substantiates the essence of business models, distinguishes the components of the business model, presents the diversity of business models and the specifics of their development and application in the service orientation, and emphasizes the importance of value creation. In the second chapter, the methodology required for the research is developed and substantiated. In the third chapter, applying the logic of the “business model canvas” of a telecommunications service company, the characteristics of each component are assessed and highlighted how they relate to value creation. At the end of the work, conclusions and suggestions are presented on how the company could increase the created value as well as possible and the directions for improvement of the company's value creation process are presented.
Dissertation Institution Mykolo Romerio universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021