1. A validation of the algorithm for automatic depth measurement of melanocytic skin tumors in ultrasound images
  2. Clinical relevance of high sensitivity C-reactive protein in cardiology
  3. Correlation between throat-related symptoms and histological examination in adults with chronic tonsillitis
  4. Dažnai tiems patiems pacientams atliekamų galvos smegenų kompiuterinės tomografijos tyrimų priežastys
  5. Effect of physical training on indices of platelet aggregation and fibrinogen concentration in patients with chronic heart failure
  6. Evaluation of daily outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitative treatment of patients with musculoskeletal, neurological and traumatic disorders in a municipality outpatient setting
  7. Evaluation of vitamin D levels in allergic and non-allergic asthma
  8. Formation and analysis of electrospun nonwoven mats from bicomponent PVA/aqueous propolis nano-microfibres
  9. Kvapniųjų rozmarinų lapų skystųjų ekstraktų gamybos sąlygų paieška
  10. Mechanism of generation of the flexural vibrations in an ultrasonic waveguide
  11. N-carboxymethyllysine as a biomarker for coronary artery disease and age-related macular degeneration
  12. Ophthalmological follow-up of prematurely born children in preschool age: prospective study of visual acuity, refractive errors and strabismus
  13. Prevalence and severity of dental caries among 18-year-old Lithuanian adolescents
  14. Regional inequalities of hospital morbidity and associations to mortality in Lithuania
  15. Research methodology for education through partner dancesport
  16. Revised evaluation of hemodilution response in the semi-closed loop infusion system
  17. Suaugusių Lietuvos žmonių gyvensenos tyrimas, 2012 = Health Behaviour among Lithuanian Adult Population, 2012
  18. The Influence of the extended indications for sentinel node biopsy on the identification of metastasis-free and metastatic sentinel nodes
  19. Thermography based inflammation monitoring of udder state in dairy cows: sensitivity and diagnostic priorities comparing with routine California mastitis test
  20. Vaikų lengvų krešėjimo sutrikimų įtaka adenotonzilinių operacijų perioperaciniui ir pooperaciniui kraujavimui