Title Pandemijos poveikis transporto sektoriaus verslo aplinkai /
Translation of Title The effects of the pandemic on the business environment in the transport sector.
Authors Viningienė, Daiva ; Anužis, Aivaras
DOI 10.15181/tbb.v88i1.2416
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Is Part of Tiltai : socialiniai mokslai.. Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla. 2022, Nr. 1 (88), p. 160-177.. ISSN 1392-3137. eISSN 2351-6569
Keywords [eng] pandemic impact ; transport sector ; business environment
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this article is to review the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 and 2021 on the business environment of the transport sector, and to provide the most effective means to restore the transport sector. For this purpose, scientific, statistical and documentary sources are examined, in which material from research conducted by Lithuanian and foreign scientists about the pandemic and its impact on the European and Lithuanian transport sector is analysed; the importance of the transport sector to the national economy and the peculiarities of the transport sector business environment are reviewed; the challenges of different modes of transport in the transport sector during the pandemic are described; threats, problems and opportunities the transport sector faced are presented; and impact assessments and forecasts for individual modes of transport are provided. To reveal the topic of the article about the challenges and changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the transport sector, a comparative analysis of the latest scientific literature and statistics, documents, descriptive analytical, synthesis and comparative analysis methods were used.
Published Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022
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