Title Klimato kaitos įtakos paviršinių vandenų eutrofikacijos procesams tyrimai ir vertinimas /
Translation of Title Climate Change Impacts On Surface Water Eutrophication Research And Analysis.
Authors Margenytė, Laura
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Pages 102
Keywords [eng] climate change ; eutrophication ; surface water ; biogenic substances
Abstract [eng] In my final paper is discussed about eutrophication of surface water and about climate change impacts on natural waters. Described the object of research and research methodology. The aim of the final paper is to measure nitrogen runoff formation on surface water bodies in terms of eutrophication process. There are few major tasks in the final paper: surface water study site selection by isolated urban areas, temperature control and pH indicator studies in selected surface water bodies, eutrophication processes operating in the nitrogen compounds in field investigations and analysis of natural and anthropogenic pollution affecting water quality, assessing the long-term monitoring data, analysis and mathematical modeling. In the last section of the final paper I give a summary of the whole paper, make specific conclusions and recommendations Structure: introduction, first section is about climate change impacts on aquatic ecosystems, second section is about investigation methodology of the factors that affect the processes of eutrophication in surface waters, third section is about analysis of the results, fourth section is mathematical modeling, main conclusions and suggestions, references and appendix.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012