Title Spiralinio daugiakanalio ciklono tyrimai ir taikymas /
Translation of Title Research and Appliance of Spiral Multichannel Cyclone.
Authors Platova, Diana
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Pages 110
Keywords [eng] cyclone ; spiral casing ; solid particles
Abstract [eng] The Master’s thesis deals with the spiral multi-channel cyclone intended for the removal of very fine solid particles from the air (gas) flow (x < 20 µm). One of the most pressing problems in the larger cities is addressed, i. e. the increased emissions of solid particles, their impact on the environment, humans and climate change, accompanied by various anomalies. The paper analyzes the characteristics of solid particles, the methods of assessment of their concentration and the application of certain air cleaning equipment to reduce emissions. The paper provides information about the diversity of the exisiting widely used and the improved new-generation cyclone treatment equipment, the principles of their operation and application in industrial and power facilities. The experimental research of aerodynamic characteristics of the spiral multi-channel cyclone and its cleaning efficiency were conducted. These experiments were carried out at the varying number of channels, varying distribution ratio of the air (gas) flow from the peripheral to transit channels and the varying velocity of the medium air (gas) flow inside the cyclone structure. The numerical simulation of the cyclone under consideration was conducted. The simulation results were compared with the data obtained during the experimental research, their compliance was assessed. The conclusions and recommendations are presented. The paper consists of 8 sections: introduction, theoretical review, the methodology of experimental research of multi-channel cyclone with spiral casing, the results of experimental research of multi-channel cyclone with spiral casing, the numerical simulation of aerodynamic characteristics, the conclusions and recommendations, the list of references. Pages – 110 pages excluding appendices, 55 figures, 8 tables, 83 references. Appendices are attached.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014